Thursday, 9 March 2017

As I mentioned before, I’ve always had an interest in Celtic Christianity and the monastic life. Traditionally, monastic communities live by a rule, which is laid down by the abbot. This rule is like a mission statement and it expresses their raison d’être.

In true monastic tradition Abbot has given us a rule to live by, which is as profound as any I’ve seen. We, his humble followers, should aspire to it, so here it is:

Always greet those you love with warmth and enthusiasm. Don’t be standoffish, dive straight in and nuzzle them. Roll onto your back and let them tickle your tummy.

When someone new comes through the door, find them a present and stick it in their face.

If those you love are going out on an adventure, make it quite obvious you’d like to go too. Don’t wait to be asked. Shy bairns get nowt, as my dad says. Go and sit at the front door so they don’t forget you.

Savour pleasures such as fresh air, the wind in your face, a run on the beach and – with luck – a dip in the sea, even in December.

Be obedient, especially if there’s food on offer. It always works for my owner – you should see the size of him!

When someone has invaded your space, growl at them gently. Let them know where the boundaries are but don’t hold a grudge.

Take plenty of naps. You can’t beat a good snooze and no one can overdo it. Find the best spot in the garden and stretch out in it. When you wake up, have a good stretch, then a scratch and maybe even a shake.

Run, bounce around and play every day. Encourage all those around you to join in. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Gently take hold of each person’s wrist and drag them into the game.

Thrive on attention and let people make plenty of fuss of you. This has always worked well for me. Do your best to look cute.

If you get told off or shouted at, don’t sulk. Go straight back and make friends.

Eat with great enthusiasm. When you’ve had enough, stop, burp and have a nap.

Be loyal, but never pretend to be something you’re not.

If what you want is buried, go digging for it. Don’t stop until you find it.

When someone’s having a bad day, sit close, stay quiet and nuzzle them occasionally. Put your head on their knee and roll your eyes at them. Trust me, it never fails.

Never refuse a cuddle... unless it’s from a cat lover. 

Look out for those that love you.

Get yourself a pink squeaky ball. Squeak it loudly and often until someone shouts at you. It’s always good for a laugh.

Never go to bed on an argument or your master’s bed. But definitely never on an argument.

Start each day with enthusiasm but don’t expect others to join in.

Take pride in your work. The longer the walk, the greater the pleasure.

Lead the way.

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